BDJ Fact: Breakthrough Development Journal in Financial & Accounting is committed to promoting the free and unrestricted access to high-quality research in the fields of finance, accounting, economics, and related disciplines. As part of our commitment to open scholarship, we adhere to the principles of Open Access publishing.

1. Open Access Definition

All articles published in BDJ Fact are available open access, meaning that they are freely accessible to anyone, anywhere, without any subscription or payment barriers. Once an article is published, it can be accessed, downloaded, and shared by anyone with an internet connection, contributing to the global dissemination of research findings.

2. Licensing

All articles published in BDJ Fact are published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This means that:

  • Authors retain the copyright of their work.
  • The work can be shared, adapted, and redistributed for any purpose, even commercially, provided that proper attribution is given to the original authors and the journal.

3. Benefits of Open Access

By publishing open access, BDJ Fact offers several key benefits to authors and readers:

  • Increased Visibility: Open access articles are more widely read, cited, and shared, helping to maximize the impact of research.
  • Global Reach: Articles are accessible worldwide, enabling scholars and practitioners from all over the globe to benefit from the knowledge shared.
  • Free and Immediate Access: No barriers to access for readers, ensuring that research can be immediately used to inform decision-making, policy, and practice.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Open access facilitates collaboration across borders and disciplines, allowing for a more dynamic exchange of ideas and knowledge.

4. Author Fees

BDJ Fact does not charge authors any submission fees. However, to cover the costs associated with open access publishing, authors may be required to pay an article processing charge (APC) upon acceptance of their manuscript. The APC helps cover the costs of editorial management, peer review, and article production. Detailed information about the APC fees and payment processes will be provided during the submission and acceptance stages.

5. Archiving and Repository

All published articles are archived and stored in the journal’s online platform. In addition to the journal’s website, articles are also deposited in publicly accessible repositories to ensure long-term preservation and accessibility.

6. Data Sharing and Research Transparency

As part of our commitment to transparency and open research practices, BDJ Fact encourages authors to share the underlying data and materials associated with their research. Authors are encouraged to deposit datasets, software, or other supplementary materials in reputable public repositories when possible.

7. Compliance with Funding Mandates

BDJ Fact supports compliance with open access mandates from funding agencies, institutions, and governments. Authors who have received funding for their research are encouraged to make their work openly accessible to ensure compliance with open access policies set by their funders.

8. Commitment to Ethical Publishing

In line with open access principles, BDJ Fact adheres to ethical publishing standards that prioritize the quality, integrity, and transparency of published research. We ensure that all articles undergo a rigorous peer review process, and all ethical considerations related to research and publication are addressed.

9. Use of Published Content

As part of the CC BY license, users are free to copy, distribute, remix, transform, and build upon the material published in BDJ Fact, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the original authors and the journal. This encourages further research, innovation, and applications of the knowledge contained in the published articles.

By adhering to this open access policy, BDJ Fact aims to foster the free exchange of knowledge and ensure that research is widely accessible to the global community.