Publication Ethics
BDJ Action: Breakthrough Development Journal in Advancing Communities Through Innovation & Outreach Network is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in the publication of scholarly articles. The journal adheres to best practices and guidelines for ethical publication to ensure the integrity and quality of its content. All authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the publication process are expected to adhere to the following ethical principles:
1. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
- Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their submissions are original and have not been published or submitted elsewhere. Proper citation must be provided for any work or ideas that are not the author’s own. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
- Authorship and Contribution: All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research and writing of the manuscript should be listed as authors. The corresponding author must ensure that all co-authors have approved the manuscript and agree with the final version before submission.
- Data Integrity: Authors must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data presented in their manuscripts. Any errors or inaccuracies must be corrected promptly. Authors should also provide access to raw data upon request, in accordance with ethical research standards.
- Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may have influenced the research, including financial, personal, or professional interests that could bias the results or interpretations of the study.
- Ethical Approval: Authors must obtain and disclose ethical approval for studies involving human participants or animals, following the appropriate institutional and national ethical guidelines.
2. Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
- Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscripts as confidential documents. They are not allowed to share or discuss the manuscript with others without the express permission of the editor.
- Impartiality: Reviews should be conducted objectively, without personal bias. Reviewers should provide constructive, fair, and transparent feedback, supporting their judgments with clear evidence from the manuscript.
- Conflict of Interest: Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that may affect their ability to review the manuscript objectively. If a conflict arises, the reviewer should recuse themselves from the review process.
- Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to complete the review process within the agreed timeframe. If they are unable to review a manuscript in time, they should inform the editor as soon as possible.
3. Ethical Responsibilities of Editors
- Editorial Independence: Editors make decisions on manuscript publication based on the quality, relevance, and originality of the research, without any undue influence from commercial or personal interests.
- Fairness: Editors must evaluate manuscripts based on their intellectual content, without discrimination based on the authors’ nationality, gender, religion, race, or institutional affiliation.
- Transparency: Editors should provide authors with clear, transparent, and timely communication regarding the status of their manuscripts, as well as the rationale behind editorial decisions.
- Handling Conflicts of Interest: Editors must disclose any conflicts of interest related to the manuscripts they handle and should recuse themselves from making decisions in cases where conflicts arise.
- Peer Review Integrity: Editors are responsible for ensuring that the peer review process is rigorous, fair, and unbiased. They must select appropriate reviewers and ensure that manuscripts are reviewed in a timely manner.
4. Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher
- Adherence to Ethical Guidelines: The publisher commits to upholding the highest ethical standards throughout the entire publication process and ensures that the journal operates in compliance with international standards for scholarly publishing.
- Transparency and Accountability: The publisher ensures that all parties involved in the publication process are held accountable for their actions, and that any misconduct is thoroughly investigated and addressed.
- Correction and Retraction: If errors or inaccuracies are identified post-publication, the publisher will take appropriate actions to correct the record. If necessary, a retraction or correction will be issued in a clear and timely manner.
5. Plagiarism Detection
The journal uses plagiarism detection tools to ensure that submitted manuscripts adhere to ethical standards and are free from plagiarism. Manuscripts suspected of plagiarism will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken, including rejection of the manuscript or retraction of the published article.
BDJ Action strives to promote ethical publishing practices and to provide a platform for research that benefits communities worldwide. Any violation of the above ethical principles will be addressed seriously and may result in the rejection of the manuscript or retraction of the article.