BDJ Action: Breakthrough Development Journal in Advancing Communities Through Innovation & Outreach Network is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to advancing community development through innovative solutions and outreach initiatives. Focused on Community Service and Engagement, the journal publishes high-quality research, case studies, and best practices that contribute to the empowerment and sustainable growth of communities, particularly in underdeveloped and marginalized areas.

The journal serves as a platform for sharing transformative ideas and actionable knowledge in the areas of community-driven development, social innovation, participatory programs, and the integration of technology and education to address local challenges. It aims to foster collaboration among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and communities to create impactful change.

BDJ Action welcomes submissions that explore the intersections of academic research and practical, real-world applications in various fields, including but not limited to community health, education, economic development, and environmental sustainability. The journal also emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex societal issues through community-based strategies.

Vol. 1 No. 01 (2025): BDJ Action

Published: 2025-01-31

Transformasi Digital Koperasi Menuju Bisnis Modern Yang Kuat Dan Bermartabat

Abdul Kadir, M. Zaid Abdurrakhman , Endah Sri Bintari , Siti Fatimah , Marya Yully Cristine

01 - 06

Sosialisasi Meningkatkan Mutu Penelitian Mahasiswa

Anthonius Junianto Karsudjono , Abul Hasan Asy’ari , Nida Putri Rahmayanti

07 - 12

Koperasi Milik Kita untuk Kesejahteraan Bersama

Abdul Kadir , Fakhri, Meiske Kristin Lumanauw , Endah Sri Bintari , Siti Fatimah

13 - 16

Optimalisasi Pemberdayaan Masjid Berbasis Sosial Kemasyarakatan Di Kedungringin, Pasuruan

Ni’matus Shofiyah , Oktavia Nur Hidayah , Iin Fuji Wati , Ahmad Syahrul Sa'dullah Khoirul Basyar, Raghnal Arradya Pratama , Muhammad Fahmi

37 - 42

Empowering Financial Literacy: Training and Assistance for Batu Kura Forest Farmer Group, Galam Village, Tanah Laut

Marliza Noor Hayatie, Muhammad Riduan Abdillah, Yulima Melsipa Lingga, Astia Putriana

50 - 56

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