BDJ Smart: Breakthrough Development Journal in Strategic Management & Marketing is committed to providing open access to all of its published content. We believe that unrestricted access to research helps to foster the exchange of knowledge and advances the progress of science, technology, and business practices. Our Open Access Policy is designed to ensure that all research published in the journal is freely available to anyone with internet access, promoting the widest possible dissemination and impact.

1. Open Access License

All articles published in BDJ Smart are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This license allows users to:

  • Share: Copy and redistribute the material in any medium, format, or platform.
  • Adapt: Remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
  • Provide proper attribution: Users must give appropriate credit to the original authors, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.

This license ensures that authors retain copyright over their work while allowing others to freely access, share, and use the material as long as proper attribution is provided.

2. Accessibility

All articles published in BDJ Smart are immediately available to the public online, free of charge, with no subscription or paywall required. This includes the full text of all published articles, including supplementary materials such as data sets, figures, and tables.

3. Repository and Archiving

To ensure long-term accessibility, BDJ Smart deposits all its articles in recognized digital repositories. This ensures that articles remain freely available and are preserved for future generations of researchers, practitioners, and readers.

4. Author Rights

Authors retain copyright of their published work under the CC BY 4.0 license. They are free to:

  • Share their work in institutional repositories, personal websites, and academic platforms.
  • Reuse and reproduce their work in other publications or projects with proper attribution.

5. Publication Fees

BDJ Smart operates on a no publication fees model. Authors are not required to pay any Article Processing Charges (APCs) for publication in the journal. We are committed to making research freely accessible to everyone without any financial burden on authors.

6. Support for Authors

We provide guidance to authors to ensure they understand the benefits and responsibilities of open access publishing. Authors are encouraged to submit their work to BDJ Smart because of its wide visibility and the potential for greater academic and professional impact.

7. Benefits of Open Access

  • Increased Visibility and Reach: Open access articles are available to anyone, leading to broader dissemination and higher citation potential.
  • Greater Impact: Research is more likely to be read, shared, and cited when freely accessible to a wider audience.
  • Faster Dissemination: Open access allows for quicker distribution of knowledge and findings to the global research community.

8. Compliance with Open Access Mandates

BDJ Smart complies with open access mandates set by institutions, funders, and governments. We support authors in making their research available to a global audience, in line with the increasing adoption of open access policies worldwide.

This Open Access Policy section outlines the commitment to free, unrestricted access to research published in your journal, while also providing clear guidelines regarding the use and sharing of the content. It reinforces the journal’s dedication to promoting the open exchange of knowledge.