BDJ Smart: Breakthrough Development Journal in Strategic Management & Marketing follows a rigorous and transparent double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of the research published in the journal. The peer review process is designed to evaluate the scholarly contribution, methodological soundness, and overall impact of submitted manuscripts. The steps of our peer review process are as follows:

1. Initial Submission and Editorial Screening

  • Upon submission, the manuscript undergoes an initial screening by the journal’s editorial team to ensure it fits within the scope and focus of BDJ Smart.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet the journal’s criteria or adhere to the submission guidelines may be returned to the authors without peer review.

2. Double-Blind Peer Review

  • All manuscripts that pass the initial screening are sent for double-blind peer review. In this process, both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other.
  • The editorial team selects at least two independent experts in the field who are qualified to review the manuscript. These experts assess the manuscript based on criteria such as:
    • Originality and significance of the research
    • Relevance and clarity of the research question
    • Appropriateness of the methodology
    • Soundness of data analysis and interpretation
    • Contribution to existing knowledge
    • Overall quality of writing and presentation

3. Reviewer Recommendations

  • Based on their evaluations, reviewers provide one of the following recommendations:
    • Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication with no revisions or minor revisions.
    • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires small modifications but is generally suitable for publication once revised.
    • Major Revisions: The manuscript needs substantial changes before it can be considered for publication.
    • Reject: The manuscript does not meet the journal's standards for publication.
  • Reviewers are encouraged to provide detailed comments to the authors to assist with revision, along with an overall recommendation.

4. Decision and Notification

  • After the peer review process is complete, the editor-in-chief or managing editor makes a final decision on the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations.
  • The author(s) will be notified of the decision. If revisions are required, the authors will be given clear instructions on what changes need to be made.
  • Authors are expected to address reviewers’ comments and submit a revised version of the manuscript. A response letter outlining how the revisions were made should accompany the revised manuscript.

5. Revision and Resubmission

  • If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, authors are given a specified period to resubmit the revised manuscript.
  • A revised manuscript should be accompanied by a response letter that explains how the authors have addressed each reviewer comment.
  • In some cases, a second round of review may be conducted if the revisions are substantial.

6. Final Decision

  • Following the revision and resubmission process, the editorial team makes a final decision on the manuscript based on the revised version and the reviewer’s feedback.
  • If the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will proceed to the production stage.
  • If the manuscript is rejected, authors are provided with feedback and are encouraged to submit revised work to other journals.

7. Ethical Oversight

  • The peer review process adheres to ethical standards to ensure fairness and integrity. Manuscripts are evaluated on their academic merits, with no bias based on the author’s affiliation, gender, or country of origin.
  • Any conflicts of interest on the part of reviewers or editors must be disclosed and handled appropriately.

8. Confidentiality

  • All manuscripts are treated confidentially during the review process. Reviewers are required to respect the confidentiality of the manuscript and refrain from using or sharing the information for personal gain.

9. Timeliness

  • The journal strives to complete the peer review process in a timely manner, generally within 4-6 weeks. However, the exact timeline may vary depending on reviewer availability and manuscript complexity.

10. Reviewer Acknowledgment

  • Reviewers contribute significantly to the quality of research published in the journal. BDJ Smart acknowledges the valuable work of its peer reviewers, and their contributions are recognized in the journal.

This Peer Review Process section outlines the steps taken to ensure that the journal’s articles are rigorously evaluated and meet the highest academic standards. It also emphasizes transparency, fairness, and confidentiality throughout the review process.