Work Capacity and Capability Through Adaptive Performance
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This study aims to analyze efforts to increase work capacity and capability through adaptive performance, which is an important aspect in dealing with the dynamics of changes in the work environment. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with a naturalistic approach to understand the phenomenon in depth in a natural context. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis on research subjects, consisting of employees in the industrial sector who face significant changes in the work process. The results of the study indicate that Adaptive performance has an important role in helping individuals survive and thrive in complex and dynamic work environments. The ability to adapt to change, both reactive and proactive, increases efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration between teams. Elements such as stress tolerance, initiative, and innovation strengthen individuals' capacity to face challenges, both urgent and planned. Adaptive performance also facilitates problem solving and change management within an organization, making it a much-needed competency to achieve organizational goals and remain relevant in this dynamic era.
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