Implementation of Strategic Management Model in Increasing the Competitiveness of Creative Industries

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Arief Rahman


The creative industry has unique characteristics that require a special strategic approach to deal with market dynamics, technological developments, and changing consumer demands. This study aims to analyze the implementation of strategic management models in the creative industry as an effort to improve competitiveness and business sustainability. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative approach to describe the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies in the context of the creative industry. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of effective strategic management in the creative industry can improve competitiveness and strengthen the position of industry players in the global market. Several key factors that influence the success of this strategy include developing human resource competencies, improving product quality, efficiency in the use of materials, and marketing management integrated with digital technology. In addition, the main challenges faced are limited resources and dependence on individual talent, which can be addressed through policies that support access to financing, incentives, and sustainable training. Overall, the implementation of strategic management based on innovation, collaboration, and regular evaluation can contribute to the sustainable growth of the creative industry in Indonesia. The findings of this study are expected to be a reference for the development of strategic management policies and practices in the creative industry sector.


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