The Impact and Role of Digital Technology in Optimizing Business Administration in the Industrial Era 4.0

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Meiske Kristin Lumanauw
Faizal Maulidhany Rarin


Digital transformation has become a key factor in improving the efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of companies. This study aims to analyze the impact and role of digital technology in optimizing business administration in the Industry 4.0 era. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach by collecting data from various secondary sources, such as journals, articles, and industry reports related to the application of digital technology in business administration. The results of this study indicate that digital technology has an important role in optimizing business administration in the Industry 4.0 era. The use of technologies such as automation, cloud computing, and data analysis can improve operational efficiency, productivity, and business scalability. Digital technology also accelerates more accurate decision making, increases customer satisfaction, and facilitates data management and financial administration. In addition, this technology opens up opportunities for innovation and development of new business models, which provide competitive advantages and strengthen the company's position in an increasingly competitive global market.


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