Social Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges in Achieving Social Welfare
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Social entrepreneurship is an innovative approach that combines a social mission with entrepreneurial principles to create a positive impact on society. This study aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of social entrepreneurship in the digital era in achieving social welfare. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, collecting data from literature studies, in-depth interviews, and analysis of digital-based social organization reports. The results of the study show that social entrepreneurship in the digital era has great potential to provide positive impacts for society, especially in creating solutions to various social and economic problems. The use of digital technology has opened up significant opportunities, such as global market access, ease of marketing, cost efficiency of promotion, and the ability to work with distributed teams. However, this study also identified several challenges faced, including digital inequality, limited resources, intense competition, and regulatory complexity. Thus, innovative strategies and adaptive policy support are needed to overcome these challenges, so that social entrepreneurship can develop more optimally and contribute to achieving sustainable social welfare. In conclusion, social entrepreneurship in the digital era has great potential to create more equitable social welfare if managed properly and sustainably.
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