Marketing Strategy To Increase Sales of Eiger Tropical Adventure Products at Eiger Store Banjarmasin

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Endah Sri Bintari


The aim of this researcher is to determine the marketing strategy at the Eiger Store Banjarmasin store using a marketing mix. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection including observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. The informants in this research consisted of 2 key informants and 9 supporting informants. The results of this research show that the role of products in supporting increased sales at the Eiger Store Banjarmasin is by maintaining product quality, which is used according to consumer wishes. The role of price in supporting increased sales at the Eiger Store Banjarmasin by setting prices in accordance with the quality of the product. The role of place in increasing sales at the Eiger Store Banjarmasin is choosing a strategic location and being in the center of the crowd. The role of promotion in increasing sales at the Eiger Store Banjarmasin, Utilizing social media as a form of promotion such as Instagram. So the four components such as product, price, place and promotion in the marketing mix can increase sales of Eiger Store Banjarmasin sandal products.


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